Finding Mr. Destiny

Finding Mr. Destiny Hangul RRKim Jonguk chatgi MRKim Jongok chatki lit. Finding Kim Jongwook is a 2010 South Korean romantic comedy starring Im Soojung and Gong Yoo. It is a film adaptation by playwrightturneddirector Jang Yoojeong of her hit 2006 musical. The film was a medium box office hit in South Korea selling 1,113,285 tickets nationwide.

Heading the business is Gijoon Gong Yoo, who is young, single and male, and equipped with goofy charm. Stubbornly precise by nature and a bit too passionate about work, Gijoon is determined to complete his first job, even if it means he has to track down every Kim Jongwook in KoreaThe heroine is a disheveled and foulmouthed theater director who has yet to make amends with her inability to finish or start anything substantial in both her love life and career. The hero is a naive guy with an obsessive compulsive fixation on order, safety and hygiene manifested in his perfectly pressed attire and colorcoded postits who has yet to leap into a whirlwind life experience. ........

Source: Wikipedia